Our final task was to research a video on hearing impairment/deafness and post it to our blog with a little summary. THis did not end up being as easy a feat as I thought. There were lots of videos but most explained about hearing impairments but not many stories about people with hearing impairment. I did find a few videos that I thought had a good message. The video that I chose is actually a hair advertisement but I really liked the message that it gave. I realize it is not "real" but like I said the message is important! This young girl wants to learn how to play the violin but is not given the chance becuase of her impairment. Of course another girl told her she was wasting everyones time! IT turns out this girl is jealous as and doesn't want her to succeed.
the girl wants to know why she is different but the man asks her why does everyone have to be the same? This is another important message. It is OK to be different and everyone should be given the opportunity to accomplish anything that they set their monds to.
Here is another video that I found about a football player who is deaf and how he overcomes his disability and is an mportant part of the team. This video shows how his teammates accept him and make accomodations for him but also treat him like everyone else. They are not looking for special treatment but just to be accepted and given the chance. It is great how they are learning from him just as much as he is learning from them.
I can't believe that I am writing my last blog for this course. The two weeks certainly has flown by quickly. Looking back we took in a lot of information in a very short time frame. At times I think I was a little overwhelmed but it always seems to fall into place in the end. What was really nice is that we dod a lot of things that were new to me and some things that I have used but not in many years so it was a refresher to some degree. I certainly will return to school with some new ideas that I will hopefully be able to use with my students. I will be making my visual schedules before boardmaker expires so I will be all ready for September!
Having been able to spend the last 2 weeks with a great group of people has been an extra bonus. Everyone was so helpful and it was a pleasure to work with everyone. Barb, thank you for all your help and support I truly enjoyed my 2 weeks and this course.
I really like the video you posted of the football player. It's really neat that they are learning from him and he's learning from them!